Hi, I'm Zaki Orya





I am an experienced software developer proficient in JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python. I have worked with frameworks like React, Next.js, Node.js, and Three.js. My skills have allowed me to build innovative and dynamic applications. With my diverse skill set, I am capable of working on a variety of software projects and developing unique solutions. I am passionate about creating software that pushes the boundaries of what is possible.

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Web Developer

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Backend Developer

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technology enthusiast


What I have done so far

Work Experience.



Hover over to view proficiency.



This portfolio showcases my skills and experience in solving real-world problems through a variety of projects. Each project is briefly described and includes links to the corresponding Github repository and live demo. This collection demonstrates my proficiency in different technologies, my ability to manage projects effectively, and my talent for solving complex problems.

Wayv Agency websiteLive preview


A headless e-commerce platform using Next.js 14 and Shopify integration. Leveraging Next.js for front-end flexibility and Shopify's robust backend.

ShopifyNext.jsFramer motionGraphqlTailwindShadcn
Wayv Agency websitegithub.comLive preview

Wayv Agency

The agency's newly completed website stands out with its exceptional functionality and captivating animations, setting a new standard in the industry.

StrapiNext.jsSQLFramer motionGSAPJotaiTailwindLenis
Maxfood websitegithub.comLive preview


This website has a user-friendly interface for customers to browse products and make purchases. It also has an admin portal for managing orders, inventory, and shipping,

Yelp Campsgithub.comLive preview


Lets users share and rate campgrounds they have visited, with an interactive interface for easy navigation. It provides valuable insights and recommendations for other campers.

Kanban websitegithub.comLive preview


Allows users to easily manage daily tasks by adding and categorizing to-do lists. The intuitive interface allows for quick task prioritization and completion.


Contact Me

Don't hesitate to reach out - whether it's for a potential collaboration, to discuss a job opportunity, or just to say hello, I'm always happy to connect.